Eden: King Charles desperately needs the York princesses to be working royals

I’ve said this time and time again, but it bears repeating: if the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were the real linchpins of the monarchy, perhaps the other Windsors should have treated them better from the start. Instead of simply treating Harry and Meghan like vital and important working royals, the Sussexes were smeared, attacked, assaulted and abused and then Charles cut off their finances and security to “bring them to heel.” Four years later, the Sussexes aren’t coming back and the remaining “working royals” are either well past retirement age or lazy as hell. Which brings the Daily Mail’s Richard Eden to his latest suggestion: Princess Beatrice and Eugenie must become working royals!

It’s time that an ageing British Monarchy promoted Prince Andrew’s daughters to front-line royal duties, says Richard Eden. Because with His Majesty the King approaching his 75th birthday later this month, ‘the Firm’ is already over-stretched.

‘As I have watched the King and Queen carry out engagements in East Africa, what has struck me most is that they need help,’ writes Eden in the latest edition of his Palace Confidential newsletter. ‘If we want the monarchy to continue to be as strong as it was under the late Queen, we need new recruits to “the Firm”.’

While it is no one’s fault, there is, he says, a straightforward shortage of youth and energy at the heart of the monarchy – a situation made significantly worse by Prince Harry’s unexpected departure to America.

Eden points out that the King has already been the throne for 14 months but is yet to visit any of the 14 Commonwealth realms (aside from Britain) of which he is monarch. Kenya, a republic, is the first Commonwealth country he has visited as King. While Charles and Camilla are friendly and enthusiastic ambassadors for Britain overseas, it is clear that long-haul foreign visits will be few and far between, he writes. Camilla, 76, is no fan of flying.

‘After his mother, Queen Elizabeth, succeeded to the throne at the age of 25, she embarked, with Prince Philip, on her longest ever Commonwealth tour, lasting six months and covering 44,000 miles. There will be nothing remotely on that scale for the King and Queen. This means that other members of the Royal Family will be called upon to share the burden of foreign travel. Prince William, for example, is expected to visit Australia and New Zealand before his father goes Down Under.

‘King Charles should ask his sensible nieces, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, if they would like to become working royals.I know they have a great sense of duty, so they would be likely to agree.A Commonwealth realm that does not expect to see the new monarch in a hurry would, I’m sure, welcome a visit from one of his nieces.’

[From The Daily Mail]

In the past 14 months, it’s been fascinating to watch as the new king moved the goalposts and the sycophantic press held their tongues – Charles and Camilla were supposed to travel to ALL of the Commonwealth realms in his first few years as king. That was always the plan, that was always an integral part of any new monarch’s reign, a significant commonwealth tour of all of the countries which call Charles “king.” Instead, he only traveled to Romania, France and Germany in 14 months. As for the York princesses, this is not new speculation and the press has been trying to convince Charles to bring in B&E for months if not years. The fact that Charles has made zero moves to do so is not because the issue slipped his mind. Again, Charles is fine with the working royals being so ancient and/or lazy, because it’s “more attention” for him and Cam. Charles has always seen his family as zero-sum, so no, he doesn’t want to “share” anything with his nieces. Besides, I think only Beatrice would be up for it.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Cover Images.

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