Vicky Pattison shares heartbreak over beloved pet dog saying it absolutely kills me

Vicky Pattison has opened up about her worrying six months after noticing there was something wrong with her one-year-old Labrador Max's legs.

The former jungle queen, 35, updated her 5.5 million Instagram followers on Saturday and announced his results in a candid post as she thanked her new vet for getting to the bottom of his issues.

The reality TV star, who recently announced her bridesmaid party with a swanky pre-wedding bash, admitted she'd been in tears over finding out that her dog has a tear in one of his knee ligaments.

Vicky uploaded a selection of pictures of her puppy – including him undergoing a series of tests, selfies together, them enjoying cuddles cuddles and even one of the TV star in tears over the ordeal.

Vicky, who celebrated Max's first birthday with a festival-themed party in September, opened up about the beloved pooch's condition in a lengthy Instagram post.

The podcast host, who is set to wedErcan Ramadannext year, admitted she'd been "in tears" when looking at Max's X-ray and said that "looking at his little bones broke my heart".

She said: "My brave boy.. I'm so sorry if anyone finds these pictures triggering or upsetting- but I've had loads of lovely messages asking if Max was ok after his various trips to the vet this week so I just thought I'd share a little update with you all."

She continued: "Over the last 6 months I've taken Max to the vets numerous times for issues with his legs- he is a super energetic & adventurous boy & him & Milo play so rough- so we've always just hoped his little limps were knocks from his over zealous play & we've always been reassured he was fine.

"However as a mother you know when somethings not right don't you? And it absolutely kills me that he could be in pain & can't tell us so I joined a new vets this week & even though it's all been a bit scary & stressful we are so grateful to Alex & the fab team at @allpawsvetsharlow for finally getting to the bottom of this."

Admitting that she had a feeling "something wasn't right" with her puppy, Vicky changed vets in an effort to get to the bottom of Max's health.

She continued: "Long story short we were all really worried Maxxy had hip dysplasia which is common in the labs but it turns out his hips are fine- as you can see in his little X-ray.. (I don't know why but looking at his little bones broke my heart).

"But what he does have is a little tear in his ACL. Anyone who follows football will be more familiar with the term as I think it can be quite common in footballers- I wasn't & obviously just burst out crying when I heard (dramatic I know, but he's my baby.)"

Vicky went on: "There's a couple of different routes we can take- one being surgery of course- but on the advice of our lovely vet we're going to take it easy for the next two weeks, get our little one on some good medication & joint supplements and try & rest him when possible- easier said than done with a precocious year old Labrador puppy like.

"But we're hopeful that we'll get our baby fitting fit in no time, we just need to try & manage his energy as best we can… which he's going to hate."

Vicky concluded her post by encouraging her fans to take out pet insurance, suggesting that getting to the bottom of Max's ordeal might have been a costly process.

She said: "Thank you for all your concerned messages guys.. You're so sweet. Oh, and GET PET INSURANCE."

Vicky and Ercan also share an adorable Labrador named Milo. The couple picked up Max – their second furry family member – in December last year after a visit to Many Tears Animal Rescue in South Wales.

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