My best man broke a golden rule in his speech & our wedding became chaos, I left early but my family say I'm 'immature' | The Sun

A NEWLYWED couple have divided opinions after revealing that they left their own wedding early because they weren’t getting enough attention from their guests.

The 30-year-old groom admitted that he and his husband, 34, felt upstaged after the best man stole the limelight by breaking etiquette with his speech. 

He penned a lengthy post on Reddit explaining that everything they had planned for their wedding reception was cut short after the best man chose to propose to his girlfriend.

He said no one noticed that they left the celebration as they were all focused on making requests for the DJ to play sentimental songs.

He wrote: “We were having a good wedding until the speeches happened. 

“Now I thought it was common sense to not do this, but during the best man's speech, he decided to propose to his girlfriend. She said yes and all hell broke loose.

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“From that point on, no one paid attention to me or my husband nor paid attention to the event times. 

“People started eating early, the speeches were cut short after he proposed, on top of that he got the DJ to play him and his girlfriend ‘their song’. 

“Which incited a whole bunch of couples to do the same.

"For about three hours it was just couples running to the DJ to play ‘their song’ and hogging the dance floor. 

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“When me and my husband finally got a chance to dance people were too exhausted and didn't pay attention, they instead went to eat.

“After several hours of this, I told my husband I didn't really want to be here anymore, and he agreed. 

“We ended up leaving, the only people we said goodbye to were our parents. Nobody even noticed we had left.”

He revealed that attendees started making angry calls complaining about their decision to leave without saying goodbye. 

He said: “Three days after the wedding a cousin of mine had asked me when did I leave my wedding, as she never got to say goodbye.

“I told her we left early because nobody was paying attention nor cared enough to. She said okay and hung up. 

“Now we've been getting calls from all our relatives telling us we're immature and need to lighten up. 

“That we should be happy our wedding made people this romantic. So AITA [am I the a**hole]?”

Commenters reassured the couple that they were right to leave the wedding and argued the best man tried to turn it into an engagement party.

One person wrote: “NTA [not the a**hole]. It was incredibly rude to propose at another’s wedding because this is exactly what happens. 

“Your wedding gets hijacked. They got a free engagement party, which is terrible. I’m sorry your special day was ruined.”

Another commented: “Your best man proposing to his girlfriend at your wedding—which is supposed to be a celebration of you and your partner—without asking your permission is in extremely poor taste. 

“He could’ve chosen any other time/place to propose, but chose to do it at your wedding? Huge NTA [not the a**hole].”

A third said: “NTA [not the a**hole]- That sounds horrible. I wouldn't see an issue with maybe one or two people requesting a song. 

“But, that's just wrong to propose at someone's wedding, and then a lot of people making the day about them. 

“That is really sad that nobody even noticed that you left early until someone asked.”

A fourth penned: “NTA [not the a**hole] I’d start using their wedding to announce pregnancies, holidays, promotions at work, my new car, lotto wins, I’d genuinely be that petty.”

Another added: “Proposing at someone else’s wedding is a d**k move. 

“I’m a traditional sort of person, no red or black clothes, only the bride in white most of all don’t upstage the happy couple.

"People just seem to be more entitled these days.”

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A Reddit user said: "NTA [not the a**hole].

"Send the best man a bill for half the cost of his engagement party."

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