Bonfire Night – expert advises how to stay safe in your garden

How to host your own fireworks night display: Expert shares top safety tips

  • A step by step guide on how to safely celebrate bonfire night in your garden
  • MailOnline spoke to a garden building expert at Tiger, who warned of the risks

As we approach Bonfire Night on November 5, Brits will be preparing to wrap up warm and head to local firework displays.

Many of us will also be planning to host our own Guy Fawkes night extravaganzas, whether it’s to save money or create more intimate family memories.

While it’s easy to get wrapped up in putting on a a good show, it’s even more important to stay safe.

If done irresponsibly, home firework displays and bonfires can pose serious risk and cause damage to property or significant harm to people.

MailOnline spoke to Sam Jenkinson, a garden building expert at Tiger, who warned of the risks and shared useful tips on how to safely celebrate bonfire night in your garden – read on for a step by step guide.

As we approach Bonfire Night on November 5, Brits will be preparing to wrap up warm and head to local firework displays

If you’re planning to have a bonfire 

1. Choose a safe location 

The first step to setting up your own bonfire is to choose a location that’s safe.

Sam says you should ‘choose a site away from anything that could burn, such as wooden fences, sheds or hedges and make sure there are no trees or wires above the bonfire. 

Adding that if it’s a windy day, you should avoid lighting a bonfire as it could flare up more than you expect.

2. Use the correct materials

You need to make sure you have the correct materials and ‘only burn dry material – do not burn anything which is wet or damp as this causes more smoke’.

‘Never ever pour petrol or paraffins on to a fire. It’s safer to use fire lighters to prevent flare-ups but make sure to keep a bucket of water or a hosepipe handy in case of an accident.’

3. Don’t leave it unattended

Finally, ‘don’t leave bonfires unattended and make sure there is someone supervising it until it has burnt out’.

The expert advises that ‘if it must be left, damp it down with plenty of water, rather than leaving it to burn out on its own’.

While it’s easy to get wrapped up in putting on a a good show, it’s even more important to stay safe

READ MORE: Parents issue warning for Bonfire Night after four-year-old daughter was hit by a stray firework and had to have a skin graft

If you’re planning a firework display – step by step

1. Determine the size of your garden

If you’re planning you’re own firework display, there are steps to take before and during the event to stay safe. 

Sam said ‘Knowing how much distance you have to work with is important to having a safe display. 

‘Choose a spot in the garden for the launch site, making sure there are no overhanging trees and that it’s far away from the house or any outdoor buildings such as a timber shed. 

‘For garden class fireworks, the recommended safe distance for use is around 10 metres from any property. 

Adding ‘You also shouldn’t set fireworks off from a decked surface, with a patioed area, pebbled surface, or grass more suitable.

‘Once decided, measure the maximum distance to where your audience can comfortably stand or sit and watch the display. 

‘The distance tells you which category of fireworks you can use in your display’

2. Select your fireworks 

Step two is to select your fireworks with caution and always make sure you read what the packaging says:

‘Fireworks are split into different categories depending on the distance they need to be used at. 

‘Always check the packaging to make sure they are safe for your measured distance, with the distance always to be considered as a minimum.

‘If the maximum distance in your garden is less than 8 metres, stock up on category 1 fireworks -these are the least powerful, such as hand-held sparklers. 

‘For a distances over 8 meters, you can use category 2 and 3 fireworks – these are more powerful, with some having a safe viewing distance of 8 metres and others up to 15 metres.’

If you’re planning you’re own firework display, there are steps to take before and during the event to stay safe

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3. Prepare your equipment

The garden building expert explains that preparation is key when you’re planning a display, and you’ll want to have everything ready before the big night.

He advised ‘That means setting up firing stations beforehand and making sure you have a safety backup plan if anything goes wrong.

Fireworks should ideally be stored within their packaging in a metal, lockable box, and be kept well away from any naked flames or heat sources. 

‘Store them in a cool, dry place, where there are no significant changes in temperature such as a dry shed or garage.’

4. Light your fireworks safely 

Finally, it’s time for your display and you need to know how to light your fireworks safely: 

‘Securing your fireworks before lighting them is mandatory and even more critical at shorter distances.

‘Follow the instructions on each firework to set them up and fire them, lighting them at arm’s length and then standing well back. 

‘Instructions supplied with the firework may also contain disposal advice.

‘Ensure fireworks are positioned upwards towards the sky – never place them at an angle, as they can fly into the direction of homes or sheds.’

Sam added that if you’re planning to use a Catherine wheel in your display, ‘drive a post into the ground well away from other structures and nail the firework to it.’

You should ‘never nail it to a tree, fence or building like a shed. It needs to be at a height you can reach easily to light it, with the fuse accessible from the ground, so you won’t struggle to light it.’

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