FORMER pub landlady Jenny Connor has been desperate to get the Rovers Return back on track.
But she's devastated when she learns that Ronnie Bailey has made plans for the iconic Coronation Street pub.
Business at the Rovers became a cause for concern for Jenny Connor (portrayed by Sally Ann Matthews) earlier this year.
Unfortunately, her efforts weren't enough to save the pub which was eventually shut down by a company called Waterford's.
To make matters worse, Jenny and her employees were given the boot and left out of the boozer once and for all.
Viewers have since been fearing the Rovers will never open its doors again but soap boss Iain MacLeod warned that changes were definitely ahead for the pub.
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In scenes coming up on ITV next week, Ronnie Bailey (Vinta Morgan) reveals he's had a call from a property developer friend and he's asked to oversee the conversation of the Rovers into flats.
Ed Bailey (Trevor Michael Georges) is delighted while Debbie Webster (Sue Devaney) warns that the whole Street would be completely against the building project.
Later on, Glenda Shuttleworth (Jodie Prenger) leads a "Save the Rovers Campaign" and rallies the troops as they see Luke, Ed and Ronnie file out of the pub.
Believing the Rovers to have been sold, Jenny is heartbroken to think that Ronnie betrayed her.
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But is everything really as it seems?
Will Jenny and her former employees, from Glenda to Sean Tully, ever manage to save and reopen the Rovers?
Speaking to The Sun about the future of the iconic pub, soap boss Iain MacLeod revealed it wouldn't be staying closed forever.
"It's not going to stay closed for that long, in fact, it reopens on New Year's Eve, I think", he said.
But there's a massive twist ahead as he added: "the interesting thing about it is the circumstances of it becoming open again are all tied up with Stephen’s legacy and somebody will do something that is at best naughty, at worst slightly criminal, to get their hands on the keys to the pub and reopen it."
“So it will reopen, but the reopening of it will be based on this slightly shaky foundation of a criminal act, shall we say."
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And while Jenny is forced to stay away from her venue, a recent snap shared online by Cassie Plummer actress Claire Sweeney and her Dancing on Ice partner Colin Grafton teased that she'd be back behind the bar in no time.
Jenny Connor's name could be seen at the top of the pub door, indicating her as the Rovers landlady.
But how will she get her pub back?
Coronation Street airs every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8pm on ITV.
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