Mum offers to donate womb so her daughter can have a baby

After doctors discovered that she was born without a uterus, Dannielle Maydom was told at the age of 18 that she wouldn’t be able to have kids.

However, 10 years on, this is now a possibility thanks to Dannielle’s mum, 48-year-old Erica Turner, who has offered to be a womb donor.

The generous act would mean that Dannielle’s baby would grow inside the very same womb that she did.

Dannielle was born with Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome – a rare congenital disorder that affects the female reproductive system – but didn’t realise she had this condition until she was in her late teens.

When Dannielle still hadn’t started her period at the age of 16, she visited the doctors who said to wait a little longer.

However on her 18th birthday, Dannielle was given the difficult news that she was born without a uterus and wouldn’t be able to have children.

Recalling the event, the 28-year-old said: ‘I can remember sitting with my mum and the doctor, and being told I had no uterus.

‘I ran out of the room through the bright hospital halls to try and find the most isolated space and sobbed for about 20 minutes. After my diagnosis I didn’t leave my house for months.

‘My dad, Stephen, was 39 when he passed away. I was 10 years old and I was his only child. The thought of me never being able to carry on his bloodline haunted me.’

However, the recent news of the UK’s first ever successful womb transplant has changed things for Dannielle.

‘I was with my mum at home when I found out about the transplant, and we were so happy to hear about it,’ Dannielle, a hairdresser from Hertfordshire, said.

‘I would do pretty much anything to experience my own period and eventually carry on my family tree.’

Erica doesn’t want any more children and hopes she’s a good match for her daughter.

‘I’d do or give anything for my children – if it helps,’ the 48-year-old mum said.

‘I would find it amazing if Dannielle had her own child through my womb.

‘I know I would be an emotional wreck – knowing that she would be carrying her own child and I know the bond between myself, Dannielle and my grandchild would be extremely special.’

Dannielle has since contacted a member of the team who carried out the UK’s first transplant and is hopeful of getting a preliminary referral.

What’s more, Danneille’s cousin, 39-year-old Jeanette, has also offered to be a surrogate if things don’t work out with Erica.

Jeanette said: ‘I know how much Dannielle wants her own family and I think everyone deserves the opportunity to become a parent, regardless of how.

‘This is what a family does, helps each other.

‘If I’ve got the option to help her succeed in becoming a parent then I’ll use that option.’

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