Dangerous rapist is hunted across the UK after going on the run

Dangerous rapist is hunted across the UK after going on the run as police warn he may have changed his appearance to evade capture

  • The public are being urged not to approach Muarug Abraham Gebremcal, 34

A manhunt is underway across the country after a convicted rapist went on the run, as police urge the public not to approach him.

Muarug Abraham Gebremcal, 34, is a black African male from Eritrea who is being hunted by officers in London, the Midlands and the West Country.

He was convicted of rape at Exeter Crown Court in September and was released by the courts on bail prior to sentencing.

Also, he breached court bail conditions following his conviction for rape in October this year.

Gebremcal (pictured) has family links to Plymouth, Birmingham, and London. However, he could be anywhere in the UK

He’s on the loose after failing to report to officers as part of his bail conditions.

Now there is an active appeal to the public for information on his whereabouts and he is on the ‘wanted’ list, Devon and Cornwall Police said today.

The force is asking the public to call 999 if they see Gebremcal, who cycles and may have shaved his hair to change his appearance.

But under no circumstances should he be approached, warned detectives.

Police say he has links to Plymouth, Birmingham, and London.

Devon and Cornwall Police added: ‘He may have changed his appearance by shaving his head and is known to have a tattoo of a male figure on his lower left arm.

‘He is known to wear dark clothing and rides a black bicycle which may be a CARERRA X GO type.

‘Officers are appealing to the public to assist in locating him.

‘Anyone who sees Gebremcal is asked to not approach him but immediately call police on 999.

‘He is a black African male from Eritrea and is 6ft tall, of slim build with black Afro hair and brown eyes.’

Detective Sergeant Hannah Spencer said ‘We are urgently trying to locate Gebremcal and are appealing to anyone who may know where he is.

‘Gebremcal has family links to Plymouth, Birmingham, and London. However, he could be anywhere in the UK.

‘If anyone has any information or has seen Gebremcal, we ask that they do not approach him but instead call 999 quoting reference 50230269135.

‘Alternatively, please contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.’

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