Former ballroom dance teacher who impregnated a girl, 15, is jailed

Former ballroom dance teacher Richard Still, 38, who impregnated a 15-year-old girl after months of grooming is jailed

A former ballroom dance champion who had underage sex with a 15-year-old girl and made her pregnant has today been jailed for six years and eight months.

Richard Still, who was one of the UK’s top Latin and Ballroom dancers competing in competitions worldwide, groomed his victim over several months.

He bought her sexy lingerie and paid her up to £100 to send him intimate photos as well as sending her photos of himself.

The 38-year-old showed no emotion as he was sentenced to almost seven years behind bars, having earlier pleaded guilty to three counts of sexual activity with a child and a single charge of inciting child prostitution or pornography.

His arrest and conviction has shocked the ballroom dancing world.

Richard Still, who was one of the UK’s top Latin and Ballroom dancers competing in competitions worldwide, ‘groomed’ his victim over several months

Accused ballroom dance champion Richard Still performing with another dancer. There is no suggestion the other dancer pictured had any close relationship with him

Richard Still pictured outside his home in Reading last month

Still was acting safeguard officer for one of the sport’s governing bodies when the offences were carried out and it would have been his job to investigate abuse against young dancers by their teachers.

The parents of his victim sat grim faced in the public gallery at Reading Crown Court as the prosecutor Charles Ward-Jackson outlined the extent of the grooming and said the girl fell pregnant. She later had a termination.

Still was told by the judge he had abused the trust of the victim’s parents.

Judge Amwad Nawaz told Still he had used emotional blackmail on his victim to stop her telling anyone about their sexual relationship.

Accused ballroom champion Richard Still performing a show dance. There is no suggestion the other dancer pictured had any close relationship with him

Still, 38, showed no emotion as he was sentenced to almost seven years behind bar. Pictured: last month

Still’s conviction has sent shockwaves through the world of Latin and Ballroom dancing where many parents fear their children could fall prey to predatory teachers

He said there had been planning on Still’s part telling him: ’You knew exactly what you were doing.

‘You were much older in this relationship and broke the trust which is an aggravating factor.’

The judge accepted he had apologised to the family and had shown genuine remorse.

‘The grooming of the girl over a period of time was a an abuse of trust.’

The court heard the father-of-one ran the Vibez dance studio in Woodley, Berkshire, and had groomed the teen over a period of months.

He had begun sending her messages that had become more sexual in their content. He also asked her to send photos of herself that were sexual in content.

Still was appointed the lead safeguarding officer for another regulatory body for dancing, The British Dance Association, in 2022

Prosecutor Mr Ward Jackson said Still would pay small amounts of money up to £100 into her bank account and would buy her clothes and lingerie, including lace bras and knickers.

‘It was part of a grooming exercise to win her over and to sexualise her. Payments of £10, £30 and up to £100 were paid into her bank account. The money amounted to several hundred pounds.’

Still first had sex with the teenager in January this year after booking a hotel room in Bournemouth and later on another occasion in the back of his car after driving her to an isolated spot.

The court was told her parents had no idea about the relationship and only found out when a friend was given access to her Instagram account and spotted the sexual messages.

Still was appointed the lead safeguarding officer for another regulatory body for dancing, The British Dance Association, in 2022

Police launched an investigation, and it was discovered that the girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was pregnant.

After his arrest the 38-year-old told his wife: ’I am in big trouble now.’

Still initially answered no comment during a police interview after being arrested his dance studio.

Defence barrister Quentin Hunt said Still had asked him to apologise to the girl, her family and the public.

In mitigation he said Still had been under stress due to keeping his business going and the pregnancy of his wife.

Hunt said he had made an ‘error of judgement’ and had now lost his career as a dancer teacher.

He said Still had been the victim of targeted attacks with his car vandalised and eggs thrown at his hours.

Still was told he will be placed on the sex offenders register.

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